Thursday, May 8, 2014

God's Perfect Timing

As a Christian, I know we are supposed to always trust in His plan and wait with a knowing....but I am not only a Christian, I'm also human...and I DON'T LIKE TO WAIT!!!

Seriously. Send me in a restaurant giving out free cheesecake with a line out the door, and I'll go next door to buy a piece for $5 with no wait. If you want to see smoke boil out of my ears, make me wait on you...that's a real quick way to get on the "Tainted Taco Bell Buffet" list. (By the way, would anyone like to come over to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with some local Mexican cuisine? I know it's the 8th, but I've been waiting on you since the 5th.)

I've never told my whole story on here, and I won't get to all of it today, but there are some things on my heart that I've got to get out before it explodes like a Crohn's patient after said buffet.

But for now, look at the outline of how God has put things together. It's truly amazing.

1997- I graduated high school and went to college.
1999- Ended a long term relationship with an amazing guy...and couldn't tell you why. I just knew that we weren't supposed to be together anymore. I decided that for the first time in a long time, I wasn't going to be tied down to anyone. I refused to enter into another serious relationship. After all, it's college, right? Time to have fun!

1999- 6 weeks later- I met my husband. I wanted to enjoy being single for a while, but God had other plans. Yes, I fought Him for a little while, but thank goodness He kept his hand on me.

Feb 11 2000-  My better half asked me to marry him, and I said...."get up". Not "yes", but "get up". (And no, I'll never live that down!)

Feb 25 2000- The man I've just agreed to spend the rest of my life with is diagnosed with lung cancer.

After a few insane weeks, his diagnosis is changed to lymphoma, and he begins chemo. So, he and I (equipped with all of my wedding planning magazines) take up residence in a chemo ward in Atlanta for a while. The Jewish doctor in the Catholic hospital tells us that there's a very good chance he won't be able to father children. (Keep in mind, I've been given a similar report for different biological reasons.)

March 2000- We learn of a church meeting in a little community center in Cumming, GA, and decide to try it out. Let me tell you...GOD LIVED THERE! I know that God is everywhere, but in that little community building, we had His direct number and, honey, He answered our calls!

April 2000- The Mr. goes up for prayer, and all heaven breaks loose. When we leave church that morning, we know what He's done.

April 2000- Dr's appointment. Pablo tells the Jewish doctor treating the Pentecostal young man in the Catholic hospital that he's seen the great physician, and will no longer be needing his services. The doctor's response? "You'll be dead in a year."

(Picking up the pace here...)
December 2000- We're married.

2001- We decide that we're going to start trying to have a baby.

A couple of weeks later, we're pregnant. <3

2002- We have a beautiful, healthy baby boy.

2004- We shared a Coke at McDonald's, and God gives us another butterbean!

2005- Our second son arrives.

2008- We passed each other on the sidewalk one day, so God gave us another butterbean!
(If you haven't noticed, God healed both of our fertility issues!!!)
Dec 2008- I finish my Associate's Degree. It wasn't much to me, but it's progress, right?

2009- Our little princess arrives.

Things begin to get a little messy here. Jobs are lost, vehicles are downsized, utilities are barely staying on, but we're surviving.

2012- Due to unexpected professional circumstances, we leave behind the area, family and friends that we love to move.

2013- I'm doing an internet search one day, and I come across a school where the tuition is a flat rate per term. The cost is the same whether you take 5 hours or 50. I've never done it before, but I pick up the phone and call the '800' number to speak to a counselor. A month later, I start classes. A few of my earlier credits transferred, but I still have a long way to go.

2014- My husband is sent to work 8 hours away for a span of several months. For three kids who worship their daddy, this is unbelievably hard on them, but we manage to survive. (Thank God for video chat!) While he's gone, things change....a lot. Suppers are sandwiches or cereal. (Why cook when nobody eats it?) The laundry piles up all week, and Saturday is marathon laundry day. There are usually dirty dishes in the sink, and I put on make-up and fix my hair MAYBE 10% of the time.

May 5, 2014- God finally flips a light switch for me. I talk to my advisor, and she is floored by what she's looking at. Since my husband has been gone, I've completed 36 hours in one term. I have 60 hours of classroom observation, and then I will begin student teaching.

What's so amazing about this? Think about it. I began college 17 years ago, and somehow, it falls into place that my observation and student teaching will take place when "the baby" starts kindergarten? The third of three children that man said we would never have. The third of three miracles that GOD said we should have.

I never really understood why it never worked out for me to finish school, but I finally do. You see, I was looking at jobs the other day, and I saw one that caught my eye.

"Certified Oncological Social Worker". Um, why have I not heard about this before?

I used to think I wanted to be a nurse so that I could help cancer patients, but our family dynamics and schedules never allowed for nursing school. What's the chance that, as I draw closer to finally finishing my Bachelor's degree, that I would run across this field of work that I've never heard of?

I've always been drawn to people affected by cancer. I love doing what I can to help them, and if I ever win the lottery, I will spend my time and money doing just that. But for now, I'll work toward a career in it to ease my family's burden and hopefully make the way a little smoother for them.

So, that said, DON'T GIVE UP ON GOD! Like the words from one of my favorite songs by the Crabb Family, "He never promised that the cross would not be heavy or the hills would not be hard to climb".
School is why I don't blog much anymore. It turns out that doing two years of school in two semesters takes up most of your time. =)  But, that said, please keep me in your prayers that I would keep my nose to the grind stone, finish up my undergrad in teaching, and then move on to grad school. It's time to turn one of the darkest times of my life into a resource and a blessing for those wading through it now.

I'm finally starting to see His plan for me, and wow, it feels amazing.

If you're interested in helping others but have limited resources, I invite you to check out I've worked with them for several years, and it is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. They also have a "Senior Angel" program where you participate as a pen pal for senior citizens who may or may not be invalids.

Well, that's all for now. If I don't go finish my last two papers of this monstrous term, I won't be moving on to anything! Be blessed everyone.

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing and I miss you more than words could ever describe.
