Saturday, December 7, 2013

Anonymous, Sub-Par, Stewardess-of-the-home (ASS) Syndrome

I was putting some Christmas decorations up outside today when I realized that I was in a terrible mood. I don’t know what made me realize it. Maybe it was when I dropped a string of lights and busted half the bulbs….and laughed. Maybe it was when I stepped in the oil puddle that Bessie left for me in the garage. Maybe it was I chopping kindling and whacked the side of my thumb with a hatchet. I can’t tell you the time, and I can’t tell you the place, but it’s just been one of those days when you feel like punching somebody in the face.

As the guys sat around watching football and playing games today, I decided to clean out My Documents on my computer. I found one I wrote several years ago named “Bucket List”.

I’m big on bucket lists. Maybe it’s because I’m a stay-at-home-mom that, on paper, hasn’t accomplished a whole heck of a lot. In real life either, for that matter. I know, I know, I have three gorgeous, funny children and a great husband….but that’s not me, that’s them.

Like so many other moms, I lost my identity when my children were born. I became the caregiver…the diaper changer…the dishwasher…the toilet scrubber.

I don’t know if you’d call what I’m going through now a midlife crisis or what, but when I look at how little I’ve accomplished, I feel like smashing my head into a wall. I’m 34, and I’m still in college. I’ve just realized what I want to do (be a writer), but that’s not exactly one of those things you just get your degree in and go right to work.

But today, I got on my computer, and I found my bucket list. I wrote it several years back after my best friend from college was killed in an accident. Maybe thinking about that is what put me in such a crappy mood.

As I looked over it, I realized I’d checked off several things.
  • ·         Snorkeling
  • ·         Going on a girl’s trip
  • ·         Horseback riding
  • ·         Trying sushi
  • ·         Making a quilt
  • ·         Making good biscuits
  • ·         Trying lobster
  • ·         Help someone have a light-bulb moment

There are a few more, but these were some of the more recent ones.
But, being a spoiled American, I couldn’t help but notice the things I’m still nowhere near.
  • ·         Taking the kids on a Disney cruise
  • ·         Make $40K a year (I shoot for the stars, don’t I?)
  • ·         Have a job that I absolutely love (more important than $40K)
  • ·         Make a difference in someone’s life

My bucket list has miraculously transformed into a rousing rendition of “There’s A Hole In My Bucket, Dear Liza.” Do you ever get caught up in the vicious cycle that I get sucked into? I guess it’s part of suffering from depression.

The first stage is anger…at anybody and everything. It’s the worst kind of anger because there’s no specific cause or target. You’re mad at everything that isn’t just how you expected it to be. Like today at Sonny’s…there’s this innocent family sitting there that I know nothing about, yet within 10 minutes, I’m ready to shave their heads and put them in a freezer. Why? Because the boy was wearing a sweatshirt from a snotty tennis academy….and his long hair made him look like a sissy….and because the parents were sitting there devouring each other like they were in search of hidden meatball subs. Get a room!

The next stage is listlessness. During this stage, being a couch potato seems like an impossible goal. You don’t want to do anything. You don’t want to breathe. You don’t want to bathe. You don’t want to feel the way you do. You just want to go to sleep to pass the time. You’re tired of answering the same ridiculous questions hour after hour, day after day. Honey, right now I don’t give two rat turds how much a tree weighs, what Tiana’s address is, or why Ursula is so mean. I don’t want to talk to anybody on your princess phone, and honestly, I don’t care how many computer graphics you’ve slain in your quest for fictional world dominance.

The third stage is feeling sorry for yourself. Why don’t I have this? Why can’t we just have an easy year for once? Why did we have to move? Why did God make me leave all my friends and turn back into a recluse? Why did my son’s closest friend (since moving) have to move into an RV in somebody’s driveway and move to a different school? Why can’t my daughter understand that I would feel a lot better if Chris Rock, Princess Tiana and Cinderella would stop telling me what to do? (Thank goodness she's there to deliver the messages.) Why did God put someone who loves to cook in a house with the pickiest bunch of butts on God’s green earth? I love them, but they’ve made me hate my kitchen…and that leads me back to the next step. (Yes, that is written correctly.)

The final step, for me at least, anger…again. But this time, it’s anger with myself. Why can’t I just appreciate what I have? Why is it never enough? Why can’t I cook in a way that they’ll like what I fix? Why do I get annoyed that my daughter wants to talk to me? (Because it’s 23 hours a day, that’s why.)

I’m a stay-at-home-mom, but my house is never clean enough…the meals are never tasty or healthy enough…the clothes are never clean enough.

I’m a student, but my grades are never good enough…I hate the course of study I’m in…I’m never as successful as I should be.

I’m a wife, but I’m never the one my husband deserves…I’m not wearing a dress, high heels, and full make-up when he gets home from a long trip. He’s lucky if I’m wearing anything fancier than pajamas.

I’m a mother, but I’m not good at that either. No matter what I cook, somebody complains about it. No matter how long I search to find decent clothes in their sizes, they’re never what they would’ve picked. No matter what I do with my time, it’s never the right thing. I never do enough…I never do the right things…I never please anybody.

And that’s where I am right now. I know there are people with a lot more serious problems right now, which sends me back to being mad at myself for being so inconsiderate. I guess I’m just another disgruntled (or is it just gruntled?) housewife that’s tired of feeling invisibly inferior.

Last night, I dreamed I was working at K-Mart. They hired me, but wouldn’t give me a name tag because it didn’t matter who I was. I was just another employee. They wouldn’t tell me exactly what my job description was, just complained that I hadn’t done everything I was supposed to. One of the tasks I was supposed to do drive other people’s dogs around this race track in a go-cart. I ripped the governor off of the darn cart and had fun for awhile, but while I was driving, someone stole my flip-flops and threw them in the mud.

Well played, Mr. Sandman, well played. 

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